Digital Opening Pack UK

The departure of the UK from the EU on 1st January 2021 has meant all UK cross border activity needs a customs declaration. At times procedures have been difficult to follow, not the least because the details are evolving, particularly with regard to the unfinished staging of controls for imports from the EU.

Hellmann has a ‘hard copy’ instruction pack for customer completion, the detail of which reflects the complexity of official requirements. Whilst it is important for customers to familiarise themselves with this pack, we recognise that a more concise electronic process linking to this pack would be of benefit.

Whereas the electronic version does not replace the original pack, there will be customers who prefer a slim line tool which still addresses all the key elements required to facilitate their customs declarations.

At Hellmann we strongly believe that obtaining clear and complete instructions from our customers serves their best interests by enabling compliant declarations. This protects their relationship with HMR&C and other UK authorities. The legal requirement for a principal to empower a third party declarant remains and we ask that you agree our terms and conditions [which are available to read both in the original and electronic versions of the pack].

Please note the continuing development of official requirements may require future alterations or addenda to your instructions to us.
The electronic pack is not for use by third party transporters who should request a hard copy pack instead.

Getting started