Brexit: This will change on January 1, 2022


In the meantime, this postponement has been extended several times, so as things stand now, the date is set for January 1, 2022: The option to use a simplified procedure and complete import declarations up to six months (175 days) after importation (delayed declarations) will be eliminated. As of January 1, 2022, a complete customs declaration will be mandatory upon importation.

We then expect further changes on July 1, 2022. However, Hellmann has done well by adapting to these changes directly from January 2021 and no longer deviating from them. We have therefore been prepared for this change since then and have been able to continuously improve and accelerate our processes. This is because we have always processed according to the pre-lodgement model! This means that our shipments have always been cleared before the truck checks onto the ferry or enters the Eurotunnel in the UK, so for Hellmann the main part of the changes on January 1, 2022, will not be new.

All the innovations that will come into force on January 1, 2022:

  1. the simplified import procedure will end
  2. intrastate declarations will no longer be required for imports
  3. roll-on roll-off ports will use pre-lodgement model
  4. changes to the import of food products
  5. changes also affect declaration of origin

For more information on the respective changes coming into force at the turn of the year, please visit the GTAI (German Trade and Invest) website.

Hellmann is well prepared

Also for Hellmann, there will be a new system GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service). In this system, we will have to register all shipments on the vehicle as part of an additional registration, which will mean additional effort and time. In addition, it is not yet clear how this entered data will be checked by British customs and how, in this context, customs checks at the border will look from January 1, 2022. Unfortunately, the British customs authorities have not yet been able to answer this question, even when asked at various information events.

One thing is certain, however, Hellmann is well prepared, as we have already created all the prerequisites for GVMS registration by already applying for and obtaining a British EORI number to keep the delays on our side as short as possible.

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