Hellmann Globetrotter: Maximilian Krüger


Maximilian’s passion for exploration and career growth led him to the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong. Six years ago, during his dual study program at the Hellmann headquarters in Osnabrück, Maximilian had his first taste of life in Asia when he embarked on a transformative three-month internship. That experience sparked a lasting connection to the city, and today, Maximilian is thriving as a key member of our global IT Compliance team, calling Hong Kong home.

Hello Maximilian, what made you decide to move to Hong Kong?

Maximilian Krüger: Back in 2018, as part of my dual study program, I chose Hong Kong for my three-month practical phase. I was drawn to the cultural contrast, knowing East Asia would be very different from Osnabrück. Though I had never been to Hong Kong before, the excitement of exploring something completely new outweighed the initial nerves. What helped ease the transition was knowing that English is widely spoken here, especially in the workplace.

Once I arrived, I was absolutely blown away by the city—its energy, the incredible colleagues at Hellmann, and the friends I made. I knew deep down that I had to return at some point, and now I’m here, living and working in the city I fell in love with.

Globetrotter Maximilian in Hon Kong
Maximilian moved from Osnabrück, Germany, to Hong Kong

What has surprised you most about living in Hong Kong?

Maximilian Krüger: One of the most pleasant surprises was the location of our Hellmann office—no need for a car! Public transportation is so efficient that you can get almost anywhere in the city quickly. Hong Kong is incredibly compact, but what really amazed me was the contrast between the dense urban environment and the abundance of nature. You’ve got these towering skyscrapers, yet right behind them are untouched forests, hiking trails, and even beaches! Despite the city’s eight million inhabitants, you can find yourself surrounded by nature in no time.

Another surprise was the local queuing culture. People here will happily line up for hours if a restaurant or café is trending online—it’s almost a social activity in itself!

View from hiking trail Hong Kong
View from hiking trail: Hong Kong is surrounded by nature

What do you miss most from home?

Maximilian Krüger: Definitely the Christmas markets! I always make sure to visit Germany around the holidays to experience them. I also miss the dry, warm summers of Osnabrück, as Hong Kong’s summer heat and humidity can be intense, with humidity sometimes reaching 95%. Air conditioning is everywhere here to counter the oppressive heat. And of course, I miss the Waldbad (natural pool in the forest) in Georgsmarienhütte, my favorite spot to cool off during summer.

What do you enjoy most about living in Hong Kong?

Maximilian Krüger: I love the cultural blend. I’ve made some local friends who’ve taught me a bit of Cantonese, which has been really helpful for daily life. I’ve also connected with expats from all over the world, which has allowed me to experience different cultures in one place. My colleagues in the Hellmann office here are fantastic—so welcoming and supportive, which has made the work environment really enjoyable.
The food scene is incredible. There’s so much variety, and the local cuisine is a great way to dive into the culture. And with Hong Kong’s beautiful surroundings, I can go from hiking in the morning to relaxing on the beach by afternoon. The lifestyle here suits me perfectly, and I feel really settled.

Globetrotter Maximilian enjoys Hong Kong
Maximilian enjoys Hong Kong’s vibrant mix of culture, nature and food

What does a perfect day off look like for you?

Maximilian Krüger: There’s so much to do here that it’s hard to pick just one perfect day! For me, it would involve a mix of activities—starting with a bit of football or a CrossFit session, followed by hiking to take in the views, and maybe unwinding at the beach afterward. In the evening, I’d head into the city for some shopping and dinner at one of the many amazing restaurants Hong Kong has to offer. There’s always a new neighborhood or authentic dining spot to explore.

Is there anything else you’d like to add before we wrap up?

Maximilian Krüger: I can’t stress enough how unique Hong Kong’s cultural blend is—it’s a city where Eastern and Western influences coexist in fascinating ways. You’ll find people here very polite and respectful, though local eateries can sometimes have a more direct, no-nonsense vibe. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend visiting for a week or so to fully experience the city’s vibrant mix of culture, nature and food. My parents visited earlier this year and were absolutely amazed.

I’d also like to encourage young people to consider going abroad for studies or training. It’s an incredible way to grow both personally and professionally.

Thank you Maximilian for sharing your story with us! 

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