Due to Corona: Hellmann Trainees Start Working Life Digitally


Contrary to the tradition that all new trainees of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics meet at the headquarters in Osnabrück for a kick-off meeting, the meeting in times of Corona took place digitally and locally from home for the first time in the 149-year history of the company.

To ensure that the virtual start of the training runs smoothly, the globally active full-service provider equipped the 153 new employees with mobile devices. The trainees were introduced to their new working environment and the Hellmann FAMILY throughout Germany via an interactive all-day video conference.

Reiner Heiken, Hellmann CEO, giving his digital welcome speach to the 153 new Trainees.

After each trainee already spent a day in the new training company on-site on August 3, the second day of the kick-off was dedicated to virtual networking: A varied digital program was designed to convey the spirit of the family company and its corporate philosophy to the newcomers from the very beginning. After an official welcome by Sven Eisfeld, Managing Director Germany at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, the event continued with an introduction of the trainees to each other as well as to the branches. Videos shot in advance gave an overview of the various locations and the respective business areas.

The trainees now spread across 26 branches, where they start their training in both commercial and industrial occupations and dual courses of study.

Getting to know each other digitally. For the first time in our company history the trainee kick-off was online.
"Despite the Corona-related adjustments to working life, we are doing everything we can to make their start of their careers as exciting and helpful as possible, even in these extraordinary times,"

"We are pleased that so many new colleagues have decided to train at Hellmann," emphasizes Sven Eisfeld, Managing Director Germany at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics. "Despite the Corona-related adjustments to working life, we are doing everything we can to make their start of their careers as exciting and helpful as possible, even in these extraordinary times," Eisfeld continued. "This requires a departure from the usual practice, but with creativity and the degree of flexibility customary in logistics, we will master this challenge well, as this year's kick-off has already impressively demonstrated. Our young colleagues can thus directly feel how agile the logistics world ticks".

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