Hellmann Globetrotter: Anke Reinking and Henning Pottharst


Henning, our Product Manager for Smart Solutions, and Anke, our Regional HR Head for East Europe, have long admired Australia for its culture, people, and overall way of life. When Anke went on maternity leave and Henning was offered a professional opportunity in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane they eagerly embraced the chance and relocated Down Under.

Hi Anke and Henning, what motivated you to go to Australia?

Anke: Before our move, we had visited Australia twice for holidays. Henning always dreamed of living there, and we both loved the country during our visits – the people's mentality, the lifestyle, and the nature. Our eldest daughter was also in Australia at the time, so it was a perfect opportunity to spend three months together. My maternity leave aligned perfectly, and for Henning, it was a great professional fit with Smart Solutions. Many factors came together seamlessly, making the decision easy.

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Anke, Henning and their two daughters in front of the Sydney Opera House

Has it been easy for you to integrate into your new work environment and the new country?

Anke: Having spent holidays in Australia, we were already familiar with the country, which made the transition easier. However, living and working there with a baby was different from a short vacation.

Henning: Professionally, it was beneficial to work directly with my Australian colleagues instead of coordinating everything from Germany via calls or emails. It's much easier to discuss issues over coffee in person. The local team was friendly and welcoming, providing helpful tips for our free time. Since I already knew my colleagues from previous meetings, it felt normal, not a big change. We developed and rolled out products together on site, with great support from the team in Germany.

Anke: The people were super open and helpful with everyday tasks. For example, when I took my little daughter Ida to the supermarket, people were curious, asked questions, and were just friendly. Australia is very child-friendly, with great playgrounds, clean facilities for changing nappies, breastfeeding, and warming up food, as well as accessible toilets. These conveniences made life much easier. Traveling was also a breeze due to the well-developed infrastructure and equipped campsites, essential in the sunny climate.

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Anke and Henning spent 3 months in Australia

What did you miss most from home?

Henning: We missed family and friends the most. The time difference reduced communication with our contacts in Germany, which was more noticeable over three months compared to shorter holidays. Without the holiday mindset, it felt more like regular life, just with less contact with loved ones.

What did you love most about living in Australia?

Anke: The sun and the weather in general and, above all, escaping the German winter! Also, we just like the way people are in this country- the people we dealt with, Henning's work colleagues on site and the people we met there. And not to forget also the nature! Australia has so much to offer- from unique rock formations and waterfalls to lakes and endless beaches.

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Anke and Henning enjoying Australian beach life

How did a perfect day-off look like for you?

Henning: A perfect day off involved spending time with the family. We’d start with a typical Australian breakfast like avocado on toast, eggs benedict and a flat white, followed by a trip to the countryside or the beach.

Is there anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye?

Anke: The hospitality of our colleagues really made a big difference. Having wonderful colleagues both in Australia and Germany made our experience so much smoother. Despite the challenges, especially with a child, it was an enriching experience that broadened our horizons. We can see ourselves doing something similar again, maybe not immediately, but in a few years, knowing what we could do differently next time.

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us! 

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Henning in the Sydney office


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