Hellmann Globetrotter: Rachael van Harmelen


Despite being born in the Netherlands, Rachael's formative years were shaped in Canada before she chose to retrace her origins a few years back. In her current capacity as the Director of Global Key Accounts within the Consumer Goods vertical, Rachael infuses the closely-knit Hellmann family in the Netherlands with a fresh and invigorating spirit, contributing to the team's dynamism with her diverse experiences and expertise.

Rachel van Harmelen in Amsterdam

Hi Rachael, what motivated you to move to Amsterdam?

Rachael van Harmelen: Before moving to Amsterdam, I had lived in Paris already for a year and a half. As enchanting that city was, it was time for me to move on and focus on building my career. At the same time, I wanted to settle down permanently in Europe. The opportunity presented by Hellmann couldn't have come at a more opportune moment. Opting for Amsterdam was a conscious decision driven by both personal and professional considerations. I yearned for the vibrant atmosphere of a large, international city, and Amsterdam perfectly fit the bill. Moreover, from a professional standpoint, Amsterdam emerged as an ideal choice due to its status as a central hub for various modes of transportation: Air, Sea, Road, and Rail.

Has it been easy for you to integrate into your new work environment and the country?

Rachael van Harmelen: I believe I had a bit of an advantage this time around, especially compared to when I moved to France, given that I was born in the Netherlands and already had a good understanding of the language. Despite adjusting quite well, familiarizing oneself with a new city always requires some time.

In terms of integrating into my job and the team here in Amsterdam, it's been a smooth process. I've been fortunate to work with a group of highly supportive colleagues who have taken a genuine interest in ensuring that I've settled in comfortably and grasped all aspects of our work. I consider myself quite fortunate with the team here!

What do you miss most from home?

Rachael van Harmelen: Being away from home has brought into focus how much I miss my family, especially my parents, naturally. I also miss my cat – we call her Mouse. On a lighter note, there are times when I crave certain Canadian foods, particularly "poutine." It’s a delightful mix of fries, cheese curds, and gravy, a culinary gem famously hailing from Montreal. Something you can´t find in Amsterdam!

What do you love most about living in Amsterdam?

Rachael van Harmelen: Amsterdam is just packed with these adorable little cafes and restaurants, not to mention those picturesque Dutch canals. It's a really lovely place to just wander around and stumble upon hidden gems that you'd never know existed. There's this underlying beauty that's just waiting to be discovered. 

And let's talk about the Dutch and rain – they've got this fantastic attitude. They say, "We're not made of sugar," which I've quickly adopted. Rainy days here are just part of the deal, and I've learned to toughen up and enjoy them.

What I really appreciate about Amsterdam is how easy it is to hop around Europe from here. I've taken full advantage of that, exploring different corners of the continent. It's such a cool perk of living here, making every day an opportunity for new adventures, whether within the city or beyond its borders.

How does a perfect day off look like for you in Amsterdam?

Rachael van Harmelen: Well, my ideal day off would start with taking the tram into the city and heading straight to the Jordaan, this cool area in West Amsterdam. It's packed with museums, art galleries, and all sorts of interesting stuff. What's best is that in one day, I can cover a lot because Amsterdam is a super walkable city. That's what I love about it! A day filled with exploring, soaking in art and culture, all on foot – that's my kind of perfect day off.

Is there anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye?

Rachael van Harmelen: I miss my colleagues from Hellmann Canada and the USA. But at the same time, I would like to thank all my colleagues in Europe for making me feel so welcome here. I'm also really grateful that Hellmann is giving me this opportunity, because it's pretty unique and it's so cool that they believed in my potential.

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us, Rachael!

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