Flood disaster in Germany: the F.A.M.I.L.Y stands together!


Many of the Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y employees had the impulse to want to help - in the form of donations in kind, energetic help, or even donations. As a logistics provider, we are also already actively providing support, for example by making swap bodies available as mobile warehouses in the crisis region.

Since there has been a great desire for targeted donations in our team, we created a simple, unbureaucratic aid option on the digital platform gofundme.com for all those who would like to help their colleagues on the ground directly: In the form of financial support, where every euro counts! Even if we cannot compensate for the loss of personal memories or belongings, the support of the community may help the flood victims to look positively forward again.

Link to Fundraising Campaign

We send the collected donations DIRECTLY to the affected Hellmann employees via the site managers of the respective branches. In a second step, we will also consider colleagues who have not been hit themselves, but their relatives (parents, parents-in-law, etc.), should more be collected than is directly needed by our employees. Furthermore, we also have local small businesses in mind that have suffered particularly from the floods. Depending on availability, the committee of site managers will also provide targeted support here to express our solidarity with our customers as well.

Sven Eisfeld

Either way, your help and donations will be targeted specifically at those places where committed people have become victims through no fault of their own and are guaranteed to be delighted with the support of the Hellmann FAMILY.

The colleagues can use the money freely for the reconstruction and replacement of their losses tax-free. Since we are not a donation organization, we cannot issue any donation receipts in this way - please bear this in mind. On the other hand, the money will be used in a very targeted way.

As Managing Director of Hellmann Germany, I am collecting on behalf of all colleagues and also on behalf of the European and global team. 100% of the proceeds will be allocated to the affected colleagues of Hellmann Germany. The administration fees of the platform and credit institutions will be paid by Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Germany GmbH & Co. KG, Osnabrück.

On behalf of the entire Management Team Germany and also on behalf of the Management Team Europe and the Hellmann Executive Board.

Sven Eisfeld

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