Hellmann Globetrotter: Andrea Jiménez Piñera


In a recent conversation with her manager, Daniel Muller, Andrea was offered an incredible opportunity to travel to Germany for a period of two-months. The purpose of her trip was to strengthen her internal network and increase her global industry knowledge. Without hesitation, Andrea grabbed this opportunity and embarked on a life-changing journey to Hamburg, Germany.

Hi Andrea, what motivated you to go to Germany?

While having lunch in Argentina with my supervisor, he proposed the idea of traveling to Germany for a couple of weeks. The thought of this opportunity intrigued me, and I decided to take it up without hesitation. I felt there was nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Being able to meet the people I've been working with remotely for an extended period face-to-face would be a great chance to increase my network and knowledge. With Hellmann having numerous projects that I am involved in, I was determined to understand all the processes involved. Exploring a new culture was another significant motivation for me, as I believe it's essential to learn from and experience other cultures. While one's own culture is something they experience daily and take for granted, exposure to other cultures highlights both the differences and similarities. Lastly, I was thrilled to explore Hamburg, as I had never visited the city before.

Has it been easy for you to integrate into your new work environment and the new country?

Initially, I faced some difficulty adjusting to the new time zone due to the 7-hour time difference. However, the warm welcome I received from everyone at Hellmann made me feel like a part of the team. Isabel Schuster and Tobias Heuser went out of their way to help me settle in and even organized a welcome dinner for me. The team was always ready to lend a helping hand and explain things to me. The weather, on the other hand, proved to be a challenge. Upon arriving in Germany, I was greeted by cold temperatures which ultimately made me sick and confined me to my hotel room for a few days. However, as time went by, I started to feel more at home. I eagerly anticipate the rise in temperature and sunshine, which contrasts significantly to the weather I'm used to in Mexico. I have never experienced such cold weather before and still hope to see snow while I'm here.

What did you miss most from home?

Although I stay in touch with my family through video calls and chats, it's not the same as being with them. I miss my bed and other things that make me feel at home. However, I must admit that the hotel I am staying in Hamburg is lovely, and the breakfast is fantastic. I am enjoying trying out typical German food, which is delicious, but I really miss our spicy food.

What did you love most about living in Germany?

I am absolutely in love with the stunning sights of Hamburg. Being in a multicultural city means that I get to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which is something I love. As a beer enthusiast, I am enjoying trying out different brands and types of German beer, which is undoubtedly the best in the world. Additionally, I am impressed with the organized and efficient public transportation system in Germany, which makes it a breeze to navigate around the city. While commuting, I love taking in the picturesque views of nature, including the forests and other scenic landscapes. Furthermore, the high level of security in the city is remarkable, and I appreciate feeling safe when walking around at night. It's a feeling of freedom that is hard to match.

What did a perfect day-off look like for you in Hamburg?

During my time in Hamburg, I had the opportunity to visit Ovelgönne beach, where I spent a cold but sunny day taking in the beautiful harbor and sea views while feeling the sand under my feet. I visited a few of the charming small restaurants in the area and even enjoyed a nice cup of coffee while relaxing at the beach. Later in the day, I had the chance to witness a stunning sunset. To get to the beach, I took a ferry, which was a new and exciting experience for me as I had never been on one before. Given that I work in logistics, it was no surprise that I loved seeing the harbor from the ferry.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! Is there anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye?

My 9-week stay in Germany was an incredible experience that I am truly grateful for. I had the opportunity to immerse myself in new experiences, meet wonderful people, try delicious food, and learn about a new culture. I would love to encourage others to take the chance and try living in a new country, even if it means facing the challenge of a new language. The experience is worth it, and you will learn something new and valuable. I can attest that you have nothing to lose, but so much to gain. Who knows, you might just be pleasantly surprised in the most amazing way, just as I was. I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity and have found a second home outside of my country.

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us, Andrea!

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