Hellmann Globetrotter: Brian Schaaf Martinez


Hi Brian, what do you think motivated you to move to New Jersey?

I’d say it pretty much all came down to the timing just being right. I’ve moved quite a few times already in my life and have noticed the positive affects this has had on me, so I’ve always been open-minded to carry on doing so. People do say that change is the only constant in life, right? Moving to New Jersey is my 10th move now, with likely a few more still to go. At the end of last year, after nearly 6 years of enjoying Mexico City, the opportunity arose to transfer to the US, so I figured it would be the perfect time to do so and take up a new adventure.

Has it been easy for you to integrate into your new work environment?

Absolutely. Everyone has been really welcoming and very kind. I had already been working with some colleagues of the NOAM region for the past 2 years, some only virtually, so it was great to see some familiar faces and get to know some new ones. 

Also, professionally-speaking, the North American market is very unique, so its dynamics have kept me continuously learning while also allowing me to collaborate with colleagues in new projects and look for solutions to new problems – all while being supported by the team!

What do you miss most from home?

This is perhaps a bit complex to answer as, for me, home has constantly changed, but it’s all about my family and friends for me. Nothing a good FaceTime can’t fix though, and besides, most of them live in Mexico or the US, so it helps that those distances aren’t too long; quick trips are always possible! 
Of course, there’s also the common craving of some specific dishes. Lately it’s been “Tacos Al Pastor” for me. I’m really looking forward to when I can finally have some authentic tacos again!

What do you love most about living in New Jersey?

There are various reasons! This is my second time living in the US. I had previously lived in Connecticut, which is a neighboring state to NY, so I was already familiar with the tristate area – Connecticut, New Jersey, New York. However, New Jersey per se is a new US state for me so I enjoy the fact that everything is new and that I can constantly keep learning about it. Everyone I’ve come across has been nice and caring as well, so that only makes it better.

Special thanks to my colleagues Matt and Bill for their continuous “Jersey education”. I’ve come to learn that many great names are linked to the Garden State – Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Frank Sinatra, and even the good old fictional Anthony Soprano from HBO’s The Sopranos, so you may already be a New Jersey fan too! Sports teams though – well’s that’s another story.

Also, I’m very happy with my current apartment and surrounding area. I live right by the Hudson River so I can enjoy the Manhattan skyline every day. New York City is one of my favorite cities so the proximity to it is something I truly enjoy and was also a factor I considered when deciding to move. The location and connectivity of New Jersey also makes it great to visit the entire US East Coast. Charleston and Savannah are 2 cities I’d definitely like to visit sometime soon!

How does a perfect day-off look like for you in New Jersey? 

It can vary, but I’d usually start it off with some home-cooked breakfast, watch some sports, either F1 or some Premier League football, while I get ready for the rest of the day. In the afternoon I would usually head to the city to either go on a bike ride or meet up with some friends for drinks and food. I also usually like to tour a specific neighborhood and find some cool new spots so there’s been a lot of that too lately.

Is there anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye?

I just would like to express my gratitude to the company and colleagues for the support and trust thus far. To any fellow colleagues thinking of changing locations, just do it! Travelling and moving out of the comfort zone can be challenging, but it’s very rewarding as well, from both a personal and professional point of view.

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us, Brian! 

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