Hellmann Globetrotter: Luis Fernando Rodriguez


While working in the pricing department, Luis developed a comprehensive view of logistics and soon was presented with an opportunity which would mean a big change in his life: Leaving Costa Rica for the first time to take on the role of an analyst in the Sea Pricing & Tender department in Houston, Texas.

Hi Luis, what motivated you to go to the United States?

I love discovering new things and taking on challenges. Staying curious and pushing my boundaries has always been my way of growing as a person. Thus, when the opportunity to move to Texas presented itself, it wasn’t in question for me whether I should do it or not. The prospect of trying something new, gaining fresh experiences, and setting foot in another country was very appealing to me. At the same time I couldn’t shake off a little nervousness- it marked my first-ever flight and my first time leaving Costa Rica.

Has it been easy for you to integrate into your new work environment and the new country?

Adjusting to Houston was challenging at first. In comparison to my little home town in Costa Rica everything in Houston felt magnified—the food, the culture, and the sheer scale of the city. But the warm and welcoming nature of the people I met helped me quickly feel at home, both in my professional and personal life. Getting to know many other immigrants and making diverse cultural experiences really enriched my understanding and appreciation of the United States. I've always enjoyed meeting new people and think change is a good thing, so I was excited to embrace this new experience.

What do you miss most from home?

Family is very important to me, and back in Costa Rica, we cherished our weekend gatherings, enjoying homemade meals together. That sense of togetherness and also the food itself, are what I miss the most. Last year, I visited my family for both my mother's and my birthday, which was really nice. I'm also looking forward to visiting them again in April.

What do you love most about living in the United States?

Exploring diverse cultures, meeting various people, and seizing opportunities for professional growth and self-challenge are aspects I find truly enriching. Living here broadens my perspective, allowing me to encounter individuals from different backgrounds and countries. This enables me to delve into and appreciate their cultures, forge new friendships, establish connections, and create memorable stories together.

Additionally, I have a passion for sports, which has been further fueled by the chance to attend events or try out new sports myself. This year, for instance, I aim to catch some Copa America matches either here or in Dallas. In the next two years, I'd love to possibly travel to Canada or Mexico to watch a match, or even attend one in the States. While football was my sport of choice in Costa Rica, my move has also introduced me to basketball and baseball.

How does a perfect day-off look like for you in the United States?

On a perfect day off in the US, I enjoy taking leisurely walks, visiting parks to discover new places, or spending time in a museum, immersing myself in art. As the evening rolls in, I like to meet up with my friends and socialize.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! Is there anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye?

I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has helped me along the way here. Both back home, but also here in Texas, especially the company and my colleagues for providing me with numerous opportunities to grow personally and professionally. I very much appreciate all the collaborative efforts. This has been an incredibly fulfilling journey, one that I could hardly have imagined as a child.

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us, Luis! 😊


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