Hellmann Globetrotter: Titus Weber


Hi Titus, what motivated you to move to Hong Kong?

I have always been interested in going abroad and working in an international environment. The Asia region in particular has always fascinated me, because the culture is so different from that in Germany. This is why I applied for an apprenticeship in Hong Kong. The idea of going to Hong Kong, living there and getting to know a completely new culture was very exciting for me. Also, I think that gaining experience in working abroad is a big positive for my personal development and for growing as a person.

Has it been easy for you to integrate into your new work environment?

The team in Hong Kong gave me a very warm and friendly welcome, which definitely made my start here easier. Right from the start, I was well-integrated and got a lot of support. In the beginning of my apprenticeship, a lot of things were new for me. I not only moved to a completely different country, but at the same time, I started my first ever job. So, I had two big things that changed at once: the change from full time school to a working life and my move from Germany to Hong Kong. Of course, a completely new situation is always a challenge, but I think I managed it quite well. Another trainee from Germany will join our team really soon and I'm really looking forward to it!

What do you miss most from home?

Of course, my family and friends are what I miss the most! But I also miss the German food. The food in Hong Kong is great and varied, but I still crave a classic German dinner with good bread or a schnitzel every now and then. What I have also learned to appreciate while living in Hong Kong is Germany’s location in Europe, as it allows me to travel to other European countries by different modes of transportation whereas in Hong Kong, if I want to travel to other countries, usually my only option is to fly.

What do you love most about living in Hong Kong?

What I love the most about Hong Kong is the diversity. The city offers a lot of different activities, which is why it never gets boring around here. Hong Kong is a metropolis with beautiful nature to explore. You can hike, go to the beach or just marvel at the skyscrapers. Fun fact: Hong Kong is the city with the most skyscrapers in the world, yet 40 percent of its territory consists of nature reserves and parks. Pretty cool, right?

What does a perfect day-off look like for you in Hong Kong?

On a day off, I like to get up early and make the most of the day. I usually plan my days depending on the weather, because for me as a European, the high humidity is a real challenge. My favorite thing to do is to go to the beach with friends or to go hiking, it's always a lot of fun and the perfect way to relax, and sometimes I even forget the fact that I live in a huge metropolis. In the evenings I like to cook together with friends, or we will go to one of the countless rooftop bars - that's always a highlight.

Sounds great! Is there anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye?

The concept of starting an apprenticeship abroad is so exciting. It's so much fun to leave your comfort zone and gain new international experience. It was without a doubt the right decision for me to go to Hong Kong, which is why I want to encourage anyone who wants to work abroad to actively search for such an opportunity and seize it!

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us, Titus!

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