“Hellmann makes learning easy”


As part of the program, Claudia and Fletcher have four rotations to complete in the span of one year and are working their way up throughout the continuation of the program.

We have met them for an interview and are full of joy that they share so many positive experiences with us. “Open-minded,” “respectful,” and “thorough” are just a few ways they describe the people they have collaborated with at Hellmann. 

Hello guys, tell us about yourselves.

Claudia:  I am from Quito, Ecuador. I have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a minor on International Trade. I also carry a certificate in logistics from Australia. My Dad is a customs agent in Ecuador, so I basically have this career in my blood. Back in Ecuador I used to work as an Import Coordinator in Quito for a multinational company of consumer goods. Throughout my years I have been to accomplish everything that I propose and focus on.

Fletcher: Born and raised in Miami, I moved to Tampa when I was like 12 and I stayed there for 8 years. My mom started a trucking business, and my stepfather was the trucker. Later on, I realized a lot of my family works down at the Port of Miami, so having both parts of my family in the industry took a big part in me taking a liking to this business. 

You've already completed 10 months of your apprenticeship and you’re only two months away from finishing the program entirely, how do you feel?

Fletcher: Optimistic. I think the biggest feeling is optimism. There are so many different directions I can go from from here, especially with our colleagues helping us out to choose our preferences and what area of the industry we would like to work after we finish the program. Through this opportunity I feel like the doors to the industry are open and that makes me very optimistic.

Claudia: Well, on my end, I feel professionally strong. I have the feeling that many doors will open to me after this apprenticeship, I want to focus on building my career, gaining business knowledge, and developing professionally.

"All the knowledge I have gained from this experience is priceless."

What would you say is your favorite part about working at Hellmann? 

Claudia: Something that is very important that I have seen in Hellmann is the vision and mission of the company is really what the company is: F.A.M.I.L.Y. When I worked in warehouse, I had never seen a team that worked in such a way like this before and my leader was so welcoming, he guided us, took his time to teach us every part of the business and that is something that I admire, and I will never forget him as a leader. Another thing is the culture of the company. There are always aspects of a company that make it different and unique but the people are so friendly and open to share their knowledge with us which is that has stood out to me.

Fletcher: The people. Everyone was so welcoming and very warm since the beginning. There was nobody that was close-minded when it came to teaching us, I feel like everybody always greeted me and respected me and when it came time to teach me, they taught me thoroughly in the right way how to do things and they made sure that every time I learned something they made sure I could apply to the real situations.

Tell us about your favorite moment.

Fletcher: There was a time where I had a package that was coming from a different state and for some reason, they told me that it was being held up at customs. I was confused because it was a domestic shipment, so there was a lot of back and forth. In the end, this situation helped me build my patience and taught me how to manage situations where things do not always go as planned. 

Claudia: My favorite moment was having the pleasure to work with my colleagues in the opportunity management team and the Jinko Team with Isabel Fernandez. After working in those departments, I was able to learn how my colleagues manage the industry from a different perspective. Every manager that has trained me at Hellmann has provided me with extensive knowledge in their areas of expertise and it is very empowering for me. I have also grown in my personal life, and it has taught me valuable skills like adapting quickly to constant changes.

What are some skills that you feel like you've learned through this experience?

Claudia: I think teamwork, leadership, my way of presenting myself as a professional, and even my English skills. These are things that I know I will use for the rest of my life. Throughout this process, I have seen that anything is possible, and I can get ahead in life by working hard. Also, seeing so many female leaders in the company serves as an example for me because it shows me a career path that I can accomplish.

Fletcher: My people skills have really improved throughout this experience because I am constantly connecting with people in different departments on an interpersonal level.

How do you feel this program has made you grow as an individual and your own personal lives?

Fletcher: It has given me clarity as a person to learn what I want and what I don't want. Also, as a student, entering the work environment in this manner has taught me to adapt and mature as a person.

Claudia: Professionally, I don't feel like the same person that was here the first day going to the warehouse. Everything has been a new stage and a different challenge so I feel I have become a strong individual.

What is a fun fact about you?

Claudia: I do weightlifting, so I wake up and work out, I’ve even run marathons.

Fletcher: I listen to country music. My favorite artist is Keith Urban and my favorite song of his is “Blue ain’t your color.”

Thank you Claudia and Fletcher, for your time and the fun insights!

If you are looking for more information on the apprentice program or if you interested in joing the Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y, please visit our career site or contact us directly.

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