Joining Forces for Our Oceans: Hellmann Celebrates World Oceans Day 2023


World Oceans Day is an annual global event celebrated on June 8th, aimed at raising awareness about the crucial role of the ocean in our lives and inspiring collective actions to protect it. This year, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics' teams across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, including Korea, Indonesia, Cambodia, Taiwan, Singapore, The Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Japan, united their efforts to commemorate this important day. Through various impactful activities centered around education, environmental protection, and community engagement, Hellmann APAC took a stand for the oceans.

Educational Trips:
As part of our commitment to promoting ocean awareness, Hellmann organized educational trips to the local Singapore NEWater plants, which serve as water museums and showcases their journey towards water sustainability. Our teams learned about water ecosystems and the importance of sustainable practices to preserve our oceans.

Singapore Teams at NEWater Treatment Plant

Pledge and Commitment:
Hellmann encourages their team members to take personal pledges and commit to protecting the environment and preserving our oceans. Through awareness campaigns and interactive sessions, they were inspired to adopt eco-friendly habits such as reducing single-use plastic, conserving water, and supporting sustainable seafood choices. By fostering a sense of personal responsibility, we believe to make a collective impact on the health of our oceans.

Beach Cleaning:
Volunteers from Hellmann actively participated in various beach cleaning activities to remove litter and debris from shorelines. These cleanup efforts helped create cleaner and safer environments for both marine life and beach visitors. Out teams gained firsthand knowledge about the detrimental effects of marine pollution and the critical importance of proper waste management.

Many country teams participated in beach cleaning activities, like here in Vietnam

Mangrove Planting:
Recognizing the significance of mangroves in coastal ecosystems, Hellmann in Indonesia organized mangrove planting initiatives. Participants worked together to plant mangrove saplings, contributing to the restoration and preservation of these vital habitats. This activity not only improved biodiversity but also provided an opportunity for participants to understand the important role coastal ecosystems play in maintaining a healthy ocean.

Team members of Hellmann Indionesia plant mangrove saplings

Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse:
At Hellmann, we promote the principles of "Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse" to encourage sustainable practices. Through workshops and awareness campaigns, we emphasized the importance of minimizing waste generation, recycling materials, and reusing items whenever possible. Our team members received practical tips how to incorporate these principles into their daily lives and thus making a positive impact on the environment and the oceans.

The Hellmann teams in the APAC region have joined forces and taken these measures to continue their efforts towards a healthy environment and inspire others to join them. Our goal is to protect our precious marine ecosystems. Through education, social engagement, and environmental initiatives, we aim to make our contribution and create a better future for our oceans.

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