
Hellmann is committed to innovation and entrepreneurship, continuously improving its products and Industry Solutions while focusing on digitalization and sustainability.

Reiner Heiken, Chief Executive Officer:

Hellmann is a family-owned company with a long tradition, and its 150-year history alone stands for sustainability. We have developed rapidly in recent years and, as the global player that we are today, we have to take responsibility more than ever – for the people who work for us, for our partners and, of course, most importantly, for our customers. And we do this at all levels! The year 2023 was a real milestone for us in terms of our corporate culture and strategic direction, which forms the basis for our sustainable orientation as a company. For the better. Together.«


Hellmann stands for innovation and entrepreneurship. Our mission, anchored in the vision “For the better. Together.” manifests itself in our ongoing efforts to continuously develop our products and industry solutions. We are convinced that innovative products, processes, and services are essential for our company’s future viability and represent a key component of our organizational development. more

Our innovation strategy is based on two key elements. On the one hand, we focus on successfully developing our existing core business model through continuous improvements and efficiency gains (“Core”/“Explore”). At the same time, we are passionate about exploring new things, in part by experimenting with partners such as start-ups and acting flexibly (“Explore”).

The creation of a new Executive Board department, which since 2024 has combined the three major future topics of innovation, digitalization, and sustainability, illustrates the importance of these aspects and at the same time their close links for our company.



The Innovation Hub we initiated pursues various objectives, including the promotion of creativity and idea development as well as collaboration with internal teams, external partners, and start-ups. The aim is to use agile methods and technology integration to bring innovations to market faster and establish a culture of innovation throughout the company.

We firmly believe that successful innovations require close collaboration with various stakeholders. This is why we invest heavily in our innovation ecosystem, which consists of involving our customers, collaborating with incubators, accelerators, external experts, investors, and hyper scalers. At Hellmann, we do not see innovation as an isolated process, but as a living culture that is driven by every single employee’s creativity, commitment, and entrepreneurship (as one of our corporate values). It is our task to create an environment in which ideas thrive and innovation is perceived as a natural part of our daily work.


The “Explore” division at Hellmann focuses on developing new business models, both in the core business and beyond. We also identify promising start-ups for potential collaborations (“venture clienting”) and investments as part of strategic partnerships.


Artificial intelligence was also a focus at Hellmann 2023 – in particular generative AI, which can imitate human language in the form of models such as GPT. The aim is to use AI at Hellmann wherever it can sustainably improve processes. In this context, for example, we have developed an internal GPT solution that uses different language models and can access both internal and external information simultaneously. However, despite all the enthusiasm for new technologies, it is Hellmann‘s 12,480 employees who make the difference and are crucial to our long-term success. That is why it is important not to lose sight of the people in our organization. We see two important tasks here: On the one hand, we need to empower the IT teams to continuously develop the applications and identify new potential uses.

On the other hand, we need to involve every single employee in the change process, remove potential barriers and enable the use of new technologies. We want to enable everyone to participate in innovation so that everyone can contribute their own ideas to the innovation process. On this basis, we will achieve a democratization that ultimately benefits the entire company.

Sustainable Investments

A central aspect of our strategy is the investment in our corporate culture, the “Hellmann Promise”. This culture shapes our company and forms the foundation on which we build sustainable change and a comprehensive sustainability strategy, from which all investments for the future viability of our company can be derived. more

Alongside the meta value “Relationship Matters”, the relationships between our employees and with our customers, suppliers and partners are at the heart of this culture. Cooperation based on trust, reliability and team spirit makes us resilient and allows us to continuously develop innovative and sustainable solutions. This is why we invest sustainably in our managers with our “Hellmann Promise” and the associated “Let‘s Lead – for the better” leadership programs. We are convinced that good, health-oriented leadership, characterized by appreciation and genuine interest in people, has a positive impact on our company and its future viability. In addition to motivation, this also increases our colleagues‘ identification with the company, which in turn has a positive effect on staff turnover.

Equally important for our sustainable orientation is the examination of the EU Taxonomy. In 2023, we conducted an initial detailed analysis and are continuing our efforts to fully implement the requirements of the EU Taxonomy in 2024. This measure reflects our commitment to meet leading standards for sustainable business and to report transparently on our progress.

We are also driving forward innovative projects to achieve our sustainability goals, such as the purchase of green electricity for our rail transportation and the use of bio-LNG-powered trucks. Further examples of this can be found in the Emissions chapter.


For Hellmann, the principle of fair and honest business conduct and competition is paramount. This approach is an integral part of Hellmann‘s self-image and thus the company‘s unshakeable expectations of itself. more

We pursue a zero-tolerance strategy in the area of anticorruption. Hellmann complies with relevant national and international anti-corruption laws and ensures this through defined measures that correspond to the risk profile of an internationally active logistics company. Furthermore, the company pursues a consistent fair business strategy toward market competitors, customers, and other business partners.

Hellmann therefore operates a comprehensive Compliance Management System (CMS) based on the “three-pillar model” (“Prevent, Detect, Respond”). Responsibility for this topic lies with the Chief Compliance Officer appointed by the Management Board, who is responsible for managing both a centralized and a decentralized team. A compliance officer has been appointed in each Hellmann region. These teams implement defined measures (e.g., policies, training, etc.), which are continuously monitored in terms of their effectiveness through reviews and analyses to identify any need for improvement or additions.

Extensive processes have been implemented as part
of the CMS, such as:

  • An internal control system
  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies
  • Guidelines on gifts and hospitality
  • Supplier code of conduct
  • Guideline for fair competition
  • Whistleblower directive 
  • Guideline on authority limits

Any indications of possible compliance violations are consistently investigated according to professional standards and, if confirmed, the identified misconduct is effectively punished and remedied. At the same time, appropriate measures are taken to prevent recurrences or similar violations.

In the 2023 reporting year, a total of 6,201 training sessions were held and new policies and standard operating procedures were added to the policy setup, particularly in the area of trade compliance. Awareness training was also carried out. The table below shows the total number of training courses. Although these have decreased overall compared to 2022, they can still be considered good in relation to the total number of employees. Above all, the training units continued to be adapted to target groups and fundamentally modernized for special areas such as money laundering and trade compliance through new and revised e-learning courses. In addition, following restrictions related to the pandemic, face-to-face training sessions were developed at the regional and global level specifically for the target groups, and more of them were held, in some cases as part of workshops.

Particular attention was paid to the area of supply chain compliance in 2023 through the “Third Party Management 2.0” project, which was jointly implemented by the Chief Compliance Officer and the Human Rights Officer. Hellmann‘s declared aim is to maintain its high compliance standards and to continuously develop them in line with requirements. Accordingly, the project’s objectives go well beyond the obligations imposed by the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG) and set best practice standards for holistic and risk-minimizing third-party management. The final global implementation as part of a systematic roll out campaign will be completed in 2024.

There were no legal proceedings or convictions relating to anti-competitive behavior, monopolies, or cartels in the 2023 reporting year.

Responsibility in the supply chain

In 2023, we successfully implemented the requirements of the LkSG. This underlines Hellmann‘s deep commitment to sustainable action. A central focus is on the partial automation of the third-party risk management tool in 2024 to further increase efficiency and precision.


The due diligence policy for third-party companies introduced in 2019 forms the foundation for ethical conduct. Hellmann is committed to conducting business with a high level of ethics, integrity and legal compliance. Thorough screening and selection of third-party companies is crucial to ensure that only those with shared values are considered. A regular environmental assessment in accordance with ISO 9001 also applies to all suppliers.


In 2023, the Executive Board updated and adopted our declaration of principles on human rights and expanded the compliance whistleblower hotline in line with LkSG requirements. Three complaints about human rights violations were successfully processed and resolved with the involvement of the Chief Compliance Officer and Human Resources.

We were also asked by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) for information on an event in the logistics sector. We were able to demonstrate our initiative for transparency and our willingness to cooperate. Our ongoing commitment to high standards of compliance and sustainability within our operations and supply chain remains strong, and we fully support BAFA in its efforts.

The comprehensive process resulting from the declaration of principles was implemented in 2023. This includes not only a risk analysis, but also the implementation of preventive and remedial measures and the integration of clear targets into regular reporting to management. The focus here is on sustainable development and that we set ourselves the goal of actively empowering and motivating suppliers to increase their climate protection activities and prevent human rights violations.


Another important step towards sustainability will be taken in 2024 when regular effectiveness monitoring is introduced. This not only serves the purpose of continuous improvement, but also ensures that all measures are in line with the defined objectives.

The business relationship with suppliers begins as early as the business initiation and order placement stage. Sustainability criteria play an important role here, both in our own employee code of conduct for employees and in the supplier code of conduct. In a further step, Hellmann plans to integrate additional sustainability criteria into its purchasing policy in 2024 to ensure that the areas of the environment, social affairs and governance are harmoniously linked.

Sven Jansen, Human Rights Officer:

The German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) reinforces our commitment to fair, resilient supply chains that reflect our global values. As a company that emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual, it is our responsibility to design supply chains that meet the highest standards. We want to be a pioneer in this area and thus actively contribute to the positive shaping of our global community. Our commitment to sustainability and justice in global supply chains is an ongoing journey in which we constantly challenge ourselves to drive inspiring change in the world.«

All Topics from our Sustainability Report