Hellmann and Sustainability

Our corporate culture is rooted in integrity, trust, and cooperation, as reflected in the Hellmann Promise, aiming for a better world through sustainable economic development and innovative logistics solutions. 

Corporate Culture: The Hellmann Promise

What began over 150 years ago as a one-man business is now a family company operating worldwide with 12,237 employees. Our unique corporate culture has always stood for integrity, understanding, trust and cooperation. This cohesion is what makes the Hellmann FAMILY what it is. We are firmly convinced that our company’s success depends largely on the way we interact with each other.

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In the face of a changing world, we emphasize the importance of a culture that not only enables agile and focused action, but also drives it forward. This approach is deeply embedded in our “Hellmann Promise” and forms the foundation on which we realize our vision of a better future together.

The “Hellmann Promise” is based on our vision: “For the better. Together.” This guiding principle connects our employees around the world and addresses all dimensions of sustainability: the environment, social affairs, and governance.

In addition, we have defined a mission as part of the “Hellmann Promise”, which describes how we want to achieve our vision.

Our corporate values define what we stand for as the Hellmann FAMILY and how we act. “Relationship Matters” is our meta-value that stands above everything else. Because in a people business like logistics, it is the people and the relationships between them that make the difference. That is what drives us. Our 12,237 employees, customers and partners are the constants in this endlessly changing environment, and their resilience and adaptability are the key to our success alongside a partnership-based dialog on an equal footing – with a view to 2023, but also far beyond.

To bring the new corporate culture to the world and bring it to life, the “Hellmann Promise” was presented for the first time in February 2023 during an international management meeting. From here, the “Promise spark” was spread around the world by organizing Promise events with all employees in all 243 branches in 57 countries within just six months, where the new corporate culture was brought to life.

With the “Hellmann Promise”, we as a global family business are living up to our claim of not only providing first-class service for our customers, but also joining forces to make our contribution to overcoming the social and environmental challenges we all face worldwide. We have made a promise to ourselves with the “Hellmann Promise” and stand together for our vision by living our values – both internally and externally. For the better. Together.

For 2024, we have set ourselves the goal of further strengthening our corporate culture, the “Hellmann Promise”, and establishing it globally in our wide-ranging business processes. This also has a direct impact on our strategic direction. Our “Hellmann Promise” forms the foundation for corporate development that not only focuses on our economic performance, but also on our commitment to a sustainable and responsible approach.

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Our Vision

For the better. Together.

In our vision, we yearn and strive for a better world: A world where humankind takes care of the environment, quality of life is improved and social equity is reality. We can only realize this world together! Fostered by sustainable economic development and driven by creative minds and innovation. As the global Hellmann Family it is our greatest responsibility to create this future jointly – in worldwide logistics.

Our Mission

We care passionately for people and economies everywhere. Delivering reliable integrated logistics solutions powered by technology, expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. Connecting the world every day. Sustainably. 


Hellmann in figures

20 million shipments for a connected world

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics was founded in Osnabrück in 1871. As an established global full-service provider, Hellmann is represented throughout the group with 243 of our own locations in 57 countries. Hellmann offers intermodal transport solutions worldwide through its Road/Rail, Seafreight, Airfreight and Contract Logistics product divisions. Its geographical activities are divided into five regions: America (AMCS), Asia-Pacific (APAC), India/Middle East/Africa (IMEA), Western Europe (WEUR) and Eastern Europe (EEUR).

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In order to meet the specific logistics requirements of individual sectors, Hellmann also offers high quality, specialized Industry Solutions for the following sectors: Automotive & Agricultural, Consumer Goods, Fashion, Healthcare, Industrial, Marine & Cruise, Renewables, Perishables and Technology. In 2023, we were also able to build on the successes achieved in previous years and contribute to connecting value chains and people through 20 million shipments.

As a family business with over 150 years of tradition, Hellmann has always focused on the relationships between people who interact with each other. This awareness is also embedded in the overarching corporate value: “Relationship matters”. This is just as much about the relationships between employees from a total of 119 different countries around the world as it is about relationships with customers, suppliers, and other partners. Because cooperation based on trust and reliability makes the difference in logistics as a “people business”. At the same time, the continuous development of our processes, an open culture of innovation and sustainable business practices are at the heart of our strategic focus, both now and in the future. Accordingly, the topic of sustainability with its three dimensions of the environment, social affairs and governance has always been of central importance to Hellmann, both in the operational business and with regard to the company’s strategic positioning and is firmly anchored in our corporate culture.

EUR 3.5 Billion



Offices Worldwide



20 Million




Sustainability approach

Hellmann sees sustainability as an essential part of its corporate culture. With the “Hellmann Promise”, this was once again brought into focus in 2023 and significantly developed further. In a rapidly changing global environment characterized by climate change, global conflicts, a shortage of skilled workers and constantly changing legislation and market requirements, the topic of sustainability is also of vital importance in Hellmann‘s strategic orientation.

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Our aim is to play a leading role worldwide in the dimensions of the environment, social affairs, and governance in order to shape the industry and set new standards.


In 2023, we reached an important milestone with the development and initial implementation of our strategic direction, in which sustainability is a central pillar. On this basis, we will develop further far-reaching measures in 2024 to continuously improve our standards and anchor sustainability aspects in our daily operations even more firmly than before.

This sustainability report is also evidence of our continuous development. Hellmann has operated an environmental management system since 1998 and has reported regularly on sustainability issues since then. This makes the company a true industry pioneer. As part of the further development of our reporting, we are currently aligning ourselves with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards and the current guidelines of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

In the future, Hellmann will focus exclusively on the CSRD and ESRS as our main reporting standard to further increase the transparency and effectiveness of our sustainability reporting.


The results of our materiality analysis, which were developed in collaboration with various internal bodies such as the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board in 2021, contributed significantly to the formulation of our sustainability strategy. This indepth analysis forms the basis for this report and reflects the company‘s strategic priorities. The analysis process was repeated at the beginning of 2024 to be able to report in accordance with CSRD from the 2025 reporting year.

At Hellmann, we take a holistic and comprehensive approach to sustainability. We have set ourselves the goal of defining specific and measurable targets in all key areas to develop and implement measures on this basis. Our focus is on the continuous improvement and sustainable adaptation of our processes to meet our customers’ requirements and at the same time contribute to a sustainable world for everyone’s grandchildren.

Sustainability as a service

Stefan Borggreve, Chief Digital Officer:

»For us, sustainable management is a central component of our corporate culture and strategy. In combination with bold approaches and innovative solutions, we want to make our contribution to the decarbonization of the industry and at the same time set standards in our people-centric business. That is why we at Hellmann are setting new standards for a more sustainable logistics industry with initiatives such as “Cleaner Logistics.” We offer significantly reduced-emission or even carbon-neutral solutions in all product areas and are increasingly focusing on intermodal transportation where we cannot yet be completely CO2- neutral. In this way, we are already making a significant contribution to reducing our CO2-emissions and also enabling our customers to reduce CO2 emissions within their global supply chains.«

Jens Wollesen, Chief Operating Officer:

»We are actively committed to the transformation towards more sustainable logistics. We also made significant progress in the Road & Rail sector in 2023. We rely on 100% green electricity for our rail transports throughout Germany and, thanks to our partnership with Shipzero, we were able to start measuring the CO2 emissions of our truck fleets based on primary data in a pilot project. This data collection is fundamental to realistically designing future decarbonization projects. Through pilot projects, we have also made important progress in the use of alternative drive systems on the middle and last mile.«

Marcus Leaver, Chief Operating Officer Seafreight:

»I am proud to be able to offer innovative solutions for low-emission sea transport in Hellmann‘s Seafreight division through our strategic partnerships with leading technology providers and research institutions. In this way, we are setting new standards in sea freight and making a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. Our active participation in initiatives such as Clean Cargo and the Global Logistics Emissions Council underscores our commitment to transparency and industry-wide sustainability standards, as well as our ambition to be at the forefront of the sustainable transformation of the entire ocean freight industry.«

Patrick Oestreich, Chief Commercial Officer:

»Relationship matters! This is key when it comes to our relationships with our customers. Because only together can we create change and shape a more sustainable future. We are driven not only to respond to market requirements, but also to work in partnership with our customers to proactively develop innovative, more environmentally friendly transport solutions. Together, we want to further expand our “Cleaner Logistics” on the market across all products to increase efficiencies while minimizing our own environmental footprint and that of our customers.«

Jan Kleine-Lasthues, Chief Operating Officer Airfreight:

»In 2023, we also continued to develop in the Airfreight division in terms of sustainability. One milestone was the inclusion of CO2 footprints as a criterion in our procurement process. This innovative approach enables us to include the environmental aspect alongside price and quality as a key criterion in our decisions when selecting partner companies. This is a real novelty in our industry and makes us pioneers. Mapping emissions data for all air freight shipments creates transparency and demonstrates our commitment to environmentally friendly transport solutions. This underlines how seriously we take the balance bet- ween ecological and economic goals.«

Volker Sauerborn, Chief Operating Officer Contract Logistics:

»With a presence in 25 countries at 90 locations worldwide, we also take our role as an ecological pioneer in contract logistics seriously, and strive to minimize our consumption of resources, implement innovative packaging solutions, and promote the construction of sustainable properties. One highlight in 2023 was our pilot project to reduce packaging materials in order to drastically reduce the use of film and paper. At the same time, contract logistics is always about people. In this context, fair and equitable working conditions are key for us. From ergonomic workplaces to fair pay and flexible working models.«