Chile: Pioneering Sustainability and Empowering Relationships


Jennifer Woelper: Can you please introduce yourself and share your journey in the logistics industry?

Ricardo Ortiz: My journey in logistics began 23 years ago, starting in a customer service position for Asia and Latin America imports. From there, I progressed to sales support and eventually became a key account manager. Later, I ventured into opening operations in Central America and the Caribbean. Over the years, I've held various roles, including overseeing Latin American trade out of Asia. Currently, I'm honored to be responsible for leading the entire Hellmann organization in Chile.

Jennifer Woelper: Your career has seen remarkable growth. What factors contributed to your success, and what advice would you give to someone starting their career in logistics?

Ricardo Ortiz: Having clear goals and a passion for making a positive impact were crucial in propelling my career. I was determined to achieve my objectives, including taking on P&L ownership. My advice to young professionals is to be focused, curious, and open to learning from diverse experiences. Embrace stepping out of your comfort zone, as it fosters curiosity, broadens your knowledge, and allows you to deliver more in your career. Being curious will lead you to see different things and when you see different things, you learn different things, and the more you learn, the more you can deliver.

Jennifer Woelper: What inspired you to join Hellmann, and how did this move align with your career aspirations?

Ricardo Ortiz: Several factors led me to Hellmann. The strong relationships I had with people at Hellmann played a significant role. Also, the opportunities and growth potential in logistics, along with Hellmann's global presence and family-oriented, caring culture, was very appealing.

Jennifer Woelper: Could you provide insights into Hellmann Chile's setup and key industries it focuses on?

Ricardo Ortiz: Hellmann Chile operates from three facilities, with our headquarters situated in Santiago, a facility in the city, and another by the airport managing logistics operations. With around 150 employees, our primary focus lies in serving the industrial and fashion sectors, and we place significant emphasis on the renewables industry solution. We have the people, we have the expertise, we have the name, our performance has been remarkable, and we are well-positioned for a bright future.

Jennifer Woelper: Can you share more about some of the recent successful projects your team has executed?

Ricardo Ortiz: Our team's expertise in executing projects in industries, like mining, renewables, and industrial, have been instrumental in the logistics space in Chile. We've recently handled significant projects, including one of our remarkable achievements managing the transportation of a batch of industrial machinery for a globally recognized supplier. This project required collaboration with our team in India, resulting in a successful shipment under Roll-in-Roll-out conditions. Similar projects were also handled in collaboration with our team in Canada. Our expertise in handling complex logistics projects underlines our reputation as a reliable partner for our clients and suppliers.

Jennifer Woelper: How does Hellmann Chile maintain its reliability for customers?

Ricardo Ortiz: Reliability is vital in logistics, especially within our region where it closely aligns with our commitment to care. We consider it a matter of utmost importance. Our commitment to being available 24/7 and fostering strong relationships with both customers and suppliers ensures we consistently deliver on our promises. We pride ourselves on being responsive and dependable. We are always there, with someone to pick up the phone or answer an email, regardless of the time, because we truly believe that relationship matters and that makes all the difference with our partners.

Jennifer Woelper: Chile follows an ambitious goal to be exclusively powered by green energy in 2050. How does Hellmann Chile align with these objectives?

Ricardo Ortiz: Sustainability is an integral part of our focus, and we are fully committed to being greener in every step of our supply chain process. We aim to contribute to a more sustainable future in alignment with Chile's sustainability goals and to actively participate in the ongoing energy transformation revolution taking place in the country.

Jennifer Woelper: What does sustainability mean to you?

Ricardo Ortiz: Sustainability goes beyond being environmentally conscious. It encompasses creating a healthy and diverse work environment. It is not just about the ecological environment, but also the work environment. It means fostering diversity in the workplace, including different genders, backgrounds, ages, and nationalities. For me, sustainability is about making a positive impact on people and the planet.

Jennifer Woelper: What initiatives is Hellmann Chile implementing to promote sustainability?

Ricardo Ortiz: One of our initiatives involves partnering with a reforestation project in Patagonia. We contribute by planting a tree for every Hellmann employee on their birthday. This not only supports the ecological environment but also promotes a sense of collective responsibility for sustainability. Additionally, we are very proud to have been entirely paperless for the past 16 months.

Jennifer Woelper: What is your vision for Hellmann Chile in the next few years?

Ricardo Ortiz: Over the next few years, our vision for Hellmann Chile is to be recognized as the industry's best employer. Our objective is to establish an outstanding working environment that not only offers enhanced opportunities to our employees but also attracts top talent. Additionally, we aspire to outgrow the market and be the preferred choice for customers and suppliers in every area where Hellmann competes. While Chile is not as well-known as its neighboring markets, it holds its own as one of the most stable countries in The Americas region. In Hellmann Chile, our commitment on caring, reliability, sustainability, and customer satisfaction will be key to achieving this vision and make all the difference for our customers and partners.

Last but not least, Hellmann Chile is open for business!

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