With VR into the Digital Age: Innovative Warehouse Planning at Hellmann

Focus,  Innovation

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your role at Hellmann?

Sebastian Castrup: Certainly, I am the Innovation Manager for Contract Logistics in Germany. In this capacity, I focus on innovation and automation. Essentially, I look for innovative solutions on the market, be it software or technology, that we can use in our contract logistics operations or planning, such as now with Halocline.

Sebastian Castrup
Sebastian Castrup is the Innovation Manager for Contract Logistics in Germany

What exactly is the VR technology used in your test project for warehouse planning, and how does it work? 

Sebastian Castrup: We use advanced software that allows for complete warehouse layouts to be planned in a virtual world. All you need is a laptop, a VR headset, and two VR controllers. With this setup, you can walk through a virtual warehouse and place shelves, workstations, conveyors, and other equipment as if you were actually on site. It is a practical method to ensure everything is in the right place for maximum efficiency.

What motivated you to explore and implement VR technology for warehouse planning?

Sebastian Castrup: We wanted a solution that already provides detailed visualization in the concept planning phase and allows us to better present our warehouse concepts and ideas to our customers. Traditional tools like 2D layouts or simple 3D models often do not suffice to convey a holistic understanding or emotions like a real spatial feeling. VR, on the other hand, offers a realistic and immersive view of the designs. This helps customers better understand the plans and strengthens their trust in our solutions.

What are the main features of VR technology that make it particularly suitable for warehouse logistics?

Sebastian Castrup: The biggest advantage of VR technology in warehouse logistics is the realistic space and size ratio it offers. It is as if you are actually in the warehouse, allowing planners to identify potential problems early on. The VR environment makes designing layouts more intuitive and allows planners to quickly try out different design variants. Customers can virtually walk through their future warehouses and get a real sense of the layouts and workflows we have designed.

Did the implementation require special training for the staff?

Sebastian Castrup: Getting started with the VR software is quite simple. The team undergoes a short training session—about an hour—to familiarize themselves with the technology. This brief introduction makes it easy for everyone to get up and running quickly.

VR glasses for contract logistics
Sebastian with VR headset and controllers

What challenges did you face during the test phase, and how did you overcome them?

Sebastian Castrup: Naturally, there are a few challenges. VR setups require powerful computers and some space to move freely, which can be a hurdle. Additionally, planning in VR requires some preparation time, which is not always practical with short proposal deadlines. We are currently weighing all these factors to decide if VR planning is a long-term solution for us.

How have your customers reacted to the use of VR technology in your warehouse planning presentations and processes?

Sebastian Castrup: Customers are thrilled! Our VR presentations were a great success in several large project bids. Customers appreciate the detailed and interactive approach, and it has become a unique selling point for Hellmann, setting us apart from the competition.

Was the test pilot ultimately successful?

Sebastian Castrup: The test pilot was certainly insightful and therefore successful for us. The goal was to apply novel planning methods to some of our projects to improve the efficiency and accuracy of our warehouse planning, and we achieved that. We plan to continue exploring this technology and see how we can utilize it even better in the future. What comes next remains exciting, but we are confident that VR will increasingly become a part of our planning processes and may even have potential beyond that in implementation.

Thank you, Sebastian, for these insights into your VR project; we are excited to see how it progresses!


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