Fueling Sustainability with Purpose in Hellmann Argentina


In a commendable stride towards sustainability and social responsibility, Hellmann Argentina has established many eco-friendly initiatives. Undoubtedly, the highlight of this corporate sustainability journey is a collaboration with Fundación Equidad. In a joint effort with the IT department, we have collected an extensive inventory of electronic equipment for donation. 

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Hellmann Argentina IT team packing the donations. 


Laptops, monitors, keyboards, and other electronic devices have already been generously donated to the non-profit organization which distributes restored devices to different organizations. Bridging the digital divide in education, the electronic devices have gone to schools catering to children with limited resources. This initiative aims to empower these students with the technological tools necessary for a more equitable learning experience.

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Children utilizing equipment donated by Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.


This collaboration not only exemplifies Hellmann Argentina's commitment to environmental sustainability but also underscores its dedication to societal progress. As these efforts continue, we stand fostering a future where digital inclusion is a reality for all, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.

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Children participating in their learning program on their new computers.
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