Hellmann Peru scores first place in IATA export ranking




Hi Violeta, tell us about your journey at Hellmann Peru.

At the time I joined Hellmann, the company was already very well positioned in the airfreight market; it was and still is a market leader. In fact, that was one of the reasons why I joined the family, because I am very passionate about airfreight. Over the last few years, we have developed in the area of technology and traceability of shipments, and we are consistently looking for tailor-made solutions for our customers. Many of them ship electronics or perishable goods, and have specific transportation requirements, inspiring us to always think outside the box in order to provide alternative solutions for the ever-changing needs of our clients. We change day by day, reinventing ourselves, and overcoming challenges.

Hellmann Peru just recently achieved the 1st place in the IATA export ranking. Can you tell us more about the ranking and how you achieved this extraordinary result? 

IATA regulates the international air transport in almost all countries and, most cargo and passenger airlines are members of IATA. What this ranking does, is that it assesses the development of the market, it tells you how the market is performing, in one year versus the previous year, month by month, how the airlines are developing, and how the forwarders are performing. For 2023, we have the goal of continuing to abide by the same recipe which yielded the extraordinary results and position in the 2022 ranking. 

How do we link this ranking to providing added value for our customers? 

To be number 1 means that we are moving the most volume in Peru and we are talking here about a very competitive market. It is clear that the more volume you control, it will indicate to customers that, when they are looking for a solution and need to get a space at competitive pricing, clearly Hellmann is the number 1 option, because we have the best service, due to our buying power.

We always help customers to develop new business, from our service side. We currently move a significant amount of perishable cargo, but we do not just handle the transport of perishable cargo. Because of our large footprint, we have helped many other customers over the years to gain market share, to be able to export their products, because they have gained capacity and they have taken advantage of our competitive rates. I believe that leading the market will always open more doors and help to achieve many more advantages for our customers.

Besides perishables, what other goods is Hellmann Peru currently focusing on? 

Especially Peruvian natural products, such as maca and kiwicha, natural coloring products for the food industry, and coloring products for the cosmetics industry. Over the last few years, we have also developed specific solutions for the automotive sector because we export windshields for cars, among other automotive parts. In addition, we are also working on expanding the fashion logistics segment here in Peru. 

Take us to the front-line operations, how is the airfreight team organized at Hellmann Peru? 

We have an operations team based at Lima Cargo City, an air cargo logistics hub located at Lima International Airport, Peru. The team is in charge of receiving all our shipments, working in rotating shifts 24/7. Our office does not  close, and we are always at the door to receive our customers’ cargo. And then we have another group of colleagues in customer service and pricing. These colleagues work tirelessly to obtain the most competitive rates, and make space reservations, as well as coordinate with the client on specific requirements for their shipments. In total, we have a team of 32 operators.

Would you say that the close relationships with your airline partners contribute to your success? 

We work hand in hand with the main airlines in the Peruvian market, and we have consistently collaborated to achieve better service for our customers. – We get business and from them, we get a level of attention, service, and flexibility, since the airline business is a speedy business, we are often running at the limit against time. Airlines contacts always reach out to give us that extra hand in a time of need, and, in the end, it is a great team that has known each other for many years, as most of our colleagues and partners have been with the company for several years.
We have long-standing relationships with our main suppliers. We recognize a great level of professionalism with our airline partners, and I am also very proud to say that the airlines recognize the professional level of all our colleagues, they know that we are willing to provide the best service and with the optimum quality that customers expect and so we all push in the same direction. 

Thank you for sharing with us - anything else you would like to add before we say goodbye? 

We know that success is not only due to our airfreight team, I would like to send a message to all of my Hellmann colleagues: This would not be possible if we did not have the whole team that works for Hellmann Peru, from the IT area that supports us 24 hours a day, the Finance team that always backs us up, all our commercial executives, the human resources team, and, in short, everyone who is always ready to support. This level of collaboration truly is the best part of my job. 

Congratulations to Hellmann Peru for this great achievement!


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