Hellmann UK: Unlock seamless EU-Exports with Smart 40 & Smart 42


In this interview with Lee Costello, Director of Road and Rail at Hellmann UK, we delve into the world of post-Brexit trade solutions. Discover how the Smart 40 and Smart 42 solutions are transforming the export landscape, streamlining processes, and reducing costs for UK businesses. Lee shares insights, expertise, and valuable advice for businesses looking to unlock seamless exports in the ever-evolving trade environment.

Lee Costello Slider

Hi Lee, at Hellmann UK, you've introduced two specialized solutions, Smart 40 and Smart 42, to assist businesses in navigating the intricacies of post-Brexit trade. Could you please provide an overview of these solutions and help our audience understand which one is the best fit for specific customer needs?

Lee Costello: Of course! Smart 40 is designed to simplify and expedite the export of goods into the EU on a Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) basis. It streamlines the entire process, from Smart border and Frontier clearance to Regime 40 Customs procedures, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring efficient operations. Smart 42, on the other hand, offers similar benefits but utilizes Regime 42 Customs procedures. Both solutions focus on delivering goods to their destination efficiently, which is vital in the current trade landscape.

In summary, Smart 40 is tailored for customers who are VAT-registered in France and want more control over the VAT process, while Smart 42 is ideal for customers looking for a simplified, all-inclusive solution where Hellmann manages the VAT and customs aspects for them. The choice between the two depends on a customer's specific VAT and customs preferences and their comfort level with handling these aspects themselves or delegating them to Hellmann.

Thank you for the summary! Can you elaborate on the specific benefits that Smart 40 and Smart 42 offer to businesses looking to export their goods to the EU, especially in terms of streamlining processes and reducing costs?

Certainly. Smart 40 and Smart 42 offer a range of benefits to businesses. Firstly, they simplify export processes by handling everything from customs clearances to VAT obligations. This streamlines operations, reducing the time and effort required for businesses.
Secondly, these solutions help reduce costs. With our DDP services, we handle import duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees, offering cost predictability. This means businesses can better manage their budgets and avoid unexpected expenses that might arise from changes in trade regulations.

Speaking of DDP services, could you explain how they work and how they contribute to cost savings for customers?

DDP, or Delivered Duty Paid, is an Incoterm that places the responsibility for import duties, taxes, and customs clearance squarely on the seller. In the context of Smart 40 and Smart 42, this means Hellmann UK takes care of all these obligations, ensuring that our customers don't have to worry about these costs or processes.
This approach contributes to cost savings because it provides predictability. Customers know exactly what they'll be paying upfront, and they don't have to allocate resources for customs procedures or unexpected expenses. It simplifies financial planning for businesses.

Hellmann UK is known for its expertise in post-Brexit trade. How does this expertise play a crucial role in delivering successful outcomes for customers using Smart 40 and Smart 42?

Our expertise is at the core of our success in helping customers. We've invested significant resources in understanding and adapting to post-Brexit trade regulations. This allows us to offer tailored solutions like Smart 40 and Smart 42 that are designed to navigate the specific challenges our customers face.

Additionally, our global network and presence on both sides of the UK-French border enable us to efficiently manage goods and customs processes. This, in turn, facilitates swift responses to changing conditions, leveraging local expertise and customs relationships, all of which are pivotal in the current post-Brexit landscape.

Finally, what advice or key takeaways would you offer to UK businesses considering Hellmann Smart 40 or Smart 42 as their export solutions?

My advice is straightforward: I'd encourage businesses to concentrate on their core operations and entrust the intricacies of export to trusted experts like us. We have the knowledge and resources to navigate the complexities of post-Brexit trade. Hellmann UK is that perfect fit to take your export endeavors to the next level!

Thank you for your time, Lee! 

For more information about Hellmann Smart 40 and Smart 42 services or to contact a UK Sales representative, please visit: www.hellmann.com/smart40+42

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