Let's have a coffee with Ariel Kraft


Jenni Woelper: Ariel, can you share your journey to becoming the Country Head of Sales for Brazil at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics? 

Ariel Kraft: Certainly. Starting my career at Hellmann at 16 years old, I took part in the dual study program where I would spend one month at school and two months working in a job rotation through various roles. Now, after an 11-year stint with other freight forwarders, I returned to my roots as Sales Manager Brazil at Hellmann. It's a privilege to lead the sales team, bringing a wealth of experience and insights to the position. 

ariel & team

Jenni Woelper: What drew you back, and how has your perspective evolved during your time away? 

Ariel Kraft: The draw was a deep connection to our culture and values. Time away provided diverse perspectives and approaches, reinforcing the importance of unique values and cultural aspects in this industry. At Hellmann, "Relationship Matters" and that resonates deeply with me, as I believe in connecting with people, opening doors, and understanding distinct cultures. The commitment to reliability is evident in how we respond to customer needs promptly and consistently. Also, highlighting relationships ensures that we not only meet expectations but exceed them by building trust and connections that last. 

Jenni Woelper: Recently, Brazil has undergone changes. Can you share about the new direction you're pursuing and connecting with new clients through "Vamos tomar um cafe"? 

Ariel Kraft: Adapting to industry shifts, we're focusing on specialized segments. Our unique approach involves a coffee campaign—Vamos tomar um café. We handwrite letters and send Brazilian coffee, using it as a symbol to connect with potential clients over quality time. Coffee symbolizes universal connection. The coffee campaign, or Vamos tomar um café, has yielded remarkable results, with clients appreciating the personal touch. Some even requested more coffee, leading us to introduce branded mugs. It has evolved into inviting clients to our family, fostering a sense of belonging. 

ariel & coffee

Jenni Woelper: What are the biggest challenges for customers in the Brazilian market, and how do you address them?  

Ariel Kraft: Customers often express concerns about turnover in the industry and the need for real-time information. At Hellmann, we are tackling this by automating market updates and utilizing tools like smart ocean and smart air to enhance transparency and performance tracking. Our goal is to provide our customers with the reliability and efficiency they need amid industry challenges. 

brazil sales

Jenni Woelper: Conversations revolve around artificial intelligence, automation, and sustainability in the logistics industry. What do you see as the most important innovations impacting the industry in the next 3-5 years? 

Ariel Kraft: CO2 emission tracking for sustainability and the emergence of 5PL are key innovations. These align with a commitment to transparency and reliability, keeping Hellmann Worldwide Logistics at the forefront of industry shifts. 

Jenni Woelper: Finally, as a sales manager, what motivates you, and how do you integrate that motivation into fostering relationships and the success of your team? 

Ariel Kraft: My motivation comes from a commitment to finishing my career where I started. I believe everyone needs to self-motivate with a purpose and goal to continue moving forward in life. It is also important to pause, and I encourage my team to take short breaks throughout the day, get out of their environment, have a coffee for 15 minutes and then come back with a fresh perspective. This translates into fostering relationships by celebrating small wins and emphasizing self-motivation within the team.  

ariel & team

Jenni Woelper: Reflecting on your career, are there specific experiences that have stuck with you along the way? 

Ariel Kraft: Often, when I am driving to client meetings, I am in traffic for 1-2 hours and I see that as an opportunity to disconnect and reflect. Over the years, learning to appreciate taking breaks to reflect, and seeking inspiration beyond the industry have been crucial in navigating a successful career. Investing time for your quality time. Interestingly, in German, my last name, Kraft, meaning power — a reminder of the strength and impact I strive to bring to every aspect of my role. 

ariel cargo plane

Jenni Woelper: Would you like to add anything else?  

Ariel Kraft: Let’s have a coffee… in Booth C-138 at Intermodal South America 2024 in Sao Paulo on March 5-7! Visit our team of rockstars and let’s connect. 

intermodal 2024

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