Meet US: Country Manager Silvio Strathausen


Silvio started his journey at Hellmann on November 1st, 2022, in his role as Country Manager, USA. He comes to us with an extensive leadership background in the industry, with over 27 years of experience in freight forwarding. Being responsible for all the branches in the US and their teams, he ensures that as a company we deliver a quality product to our customers. 

Hi Silvio, you joined Hellmann in November. Tell us about your background and how you found your way to Hellmann. 

I went to school in Berlin, Germany, and graduated high school in 1996. After completing military service, I started an apprenticeship and became a certified freight forwarder. Since then, I have always been working in the freight forwarding industry and spent a little over 24 years at a Swiss-based freight forwarder. While already working full-time in sales, I decided to go back to school to get a Marketing degree. I then ventured out and have spent most of my professional career in the US in different roles, such as Operations Management, Tender Management, and Tradelane Management! I have been lucky to dabble in many different aspects of freight forwarding, which broadened my view of the industry. I went to work at a start-up and from that, I appreciated the fast-paced environment and learned to build up resilience above all. But moving forward to Hellmann - there is nothing better than a traditional company that understands the space very, very well. Hellmann has a lot of great nuggets in the network, and a lot of professionals, so building on top of such a base is something very compelling. That’s why I said yes, I'm up for the challenge I want to do it and I believe that my experience brings value to the organization. 

What is your impression of Hellmann so far? 

There are a lot of structures at Hellmann that have grown over a long time. I believe that making us a little nimbler and more market conform will provide air for the business to breathe and smoothen the road for further growth. This is what we want to do, we want to set ourselves up for success, and success will only come from growth, and growth comes from a concise, clear, and crisp organization. This is what we are building now in the USA to re-establish the country as an organization of Hellmann that is open for business and that everybody also wants to do business with.

What are your main goals on the agenda for Hellmann USA in 2023?

It goes back to creating a crisp and clear Hellmann US organization, which is fast, efficient, and customer-centric. To serve our customers as well as the network, that is the vision. Of course, with this comes the growth aspect, that is why we are hiring in the sales departments and opening up new locations and CFS locations in the United States. I am looking forward to presenting all this to the Hellmann network. I believe that our internal customers, as well as our external customers, can make really good use of the different products Hellmann USA will be able to provide and it will complement our existing portfolio.

What is your favorite part of the job?

That's very easy to answer: Meeting all these great people is by far my favorite part. I expected to meet nice colleagues, but I can say that in certain parts it has even exceeded my expectations. The people at Hellmann are great and very humble, which I love. There's a good spirit here and a good culture to build on, so I like that. 

What are some fun facts you’d like to share with the audience?

I was born in East Germany, which at the time was considered a separate country, the German Democratic Republic. We had our own passports, ID cards, and even our own flag. In 1990, East and West Germany were reunited to become the Federal Republic of Germany. So I always say that I come from a country that doesn't exist anymore.

Another interesting fact is, that I spent a year as an exchange student in a small town in North Carolina. Being the only European foreigner at that school at the time, I was welcomed very openheartedly. The locals were eager to teach me all about the local industries, the harvesting of cotton and tobacco. So I learned about these different agricultural processes and I still remember them. My time in North Carolina was definitely an experience I enjoyed very much.

In general, I would describe myself as a very open-minded person. I adapt quickly to my surroundings and always take the best out of every situation.

Thank you for your time, Silvio!

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