Navigating Global Trade Dynamics: An Interview with Kendra Hobbs on Hellmann Trade Consulting Services


Hello Kendra, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what captivates your interest in the realm of trade consulting?

I'm an experienced professional in international trade and compliance. With a background as a Customs Broker, I navigate the complexities of international trade aiming to optimize financial outcomes and ensure compliance for our clients. As the Director of Trade Consulting Services of Hellmann US/CA, I work with a dedicated team with a focus on delivering professional, compliant, and tailored services, reinforcing our commitment to excellence in global trade.

Trade Consulting and Customs Brokerage is a natural fit. My interest in Trade Consulting stems from recognizing the synergy between Customs Brokerage and the continuous pursuit of enhancing a company's financial standing. Whether working in a service provider role or within an importer/exporter's compliance department, the focus on optimizing savings and ensuring compliance with duties and taxes align seamlessly.

What key challenges in international trade do you see that Hellmann Trade Consulting services effectively addresses, and how does it bring value to our clients?

Our international trade consulting experts play a crucial role in guiding companies to navigate challenges and gain a competitive advantage. In a landscape influenced by geopolitical trade policies, our services not only address protectionist measures but also maximize benefits through strategic involvement in multilateral trade agreements like USMCA and CAFTA. We assist clients in ensuring compliance with these agreements, proper classification and valuation of commodities, and meticulous documentation of processes to reduce risk.

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In a rapidly changing global trade landscape, how does Hellmann ensure that our Trade Consulting services stay up-to-date with evolving regulations and best practices?

Hellmann maintains a robust Licensed Trade Compliance team, both in our Brokerage offices and Corporate Customs Brokerage team, ensuring a passionate commitment to staying up-to-date with changes. Our proactive approach includes subscribing to diverse trade-related newsletters, regular attendance at Trade Conferences conducted by private entities, law firms, and government agencies, complemented by a comprehensive internal training program for all our brokerage and trade consulting associates.

Could you provide insights into the role of technology in our Trade Consulting service? How does it enhance efficiency and transparency for our clients?

Technology is pivotal in trade consulting, much like in various aspects of our lives. The integration of systems and human expertise enables us to efficiently track and format data, identifying valuable opportunities. Our internal systems, coupled with the reporting capabilities of the U.S. Customs ACE system, enhance efficiency and transparency for our clients, empowering them to make informed decisions based on the shared information.

On a more personal note, what inspired you to pursue a career in trade consulting, and what motivates you to lead this critical service at Hellmann?

My journey as a lifelong student of compliance in importing and exporting, coupled with years of experience as a Customs Broker, fueled my inspiration. The continuous opportunities that presented themselves to assist clients and employers in achieving heightened compliance, substantial savings in duties and taxes, and the avoidance of penalties motivated me to fully embrace Trade Consulting. The position of Hellmann in the marketplace allows us to professionally and compliantly serve clients, and I am enthusiastic about leading this critical service.

How do you see the future of international trade consulting evolving, and what exciting developments can our clients anticipate from Hellmann in this area?

In a landscape where global trade is evolving and becoming increasingly complex, Hellmann is strategically positioned to provide tailored solutions for our clients' evolving challenges. Our commitment to delivering excellent service remains steady, and our Trade Consulting services will adapt and expand in response to emerging needs. The beauty of this service is that it is meticulously crafted for each client, with a keen focus on addressing their unique requirements. 

Thank you, Kendra!

The Hellmann trade consulting team remains dedicated to ensuring compliance and crafting tailored solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients in the dynamic world of international trade. 

Kendra Hobbs and Team 3

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