Track Flights in Real-Time


With the new tracking tool SmartAir! Hellmann sets an exclamation mark in the field of monitoring air freight transports. Together with the company BlueBox Systems, a software developer based in Bonn, Germany, Hellmann Smart Visibility is launching a product innovation: a web-based platform that enables flight tracking with all the relevant information in real-time.

One mouse click - and the customer or dispatcher can find all information on his air freight shipments summarized on one website, regardless of airline, region, or shipment type. All the tool needs are the AWB and flight number. In return, it provides data such as lead time, ETA changes, transshipment ports, and of course live tracking of the shipment. This service is available globally from end of September.

The website provides an overview of the most important data: In the center of the page there is a list of delayed shipments, and on the right, there is a dashboard that displays the latest events of all shipments and keeps the sender up-to-date. Above the dashboard, a live image shows the GPS coordinates of the aircraft in which the cargo is located; the highlight is the color subdivision into "delayed", "imminent delay" and "on time".

Also, the system offers numerous analysis options for the performance of individual airlines, trade lanes, and ports. Based on this information, the selection of airlines or routes can be evaluated retrospectively: At which departure airport are there the fewest delays? Which airlines deliver most reliably? This ultimately enables more qualified decisions for future shipments. The reports, as well as any milestones and warnings, can easily be sent as standardized e-mails and thus automatically processed in other programs.

"None of the other major logistics service providers have such a tool. This gives us a real competitive advantage, which we now want to pass on to our customers,"

"This technology is a novelty in the tracking of air freight shipments. None of the other major logistics service providers have such a tool. This gives us a real competitive advantage, which we now want to pass on to our customers," emphasizes Henning Pottharst, Product Manager Smart Visibility. After all, in times of digitalization and ever-smaller time windows for decisions within global supply chains, quickly available real-time data is becoming increasingly important for our customers.

With the product SmartAir! Hellmann Smart Visibility completes the product range for shipment tracking and can now offer a customized tracking solution for every mode of transport: Smart Ocean for sea freight, SmartAir! for air freight and the universally applicable Smart Visibility Trackers* for road or rail (as well as for air and sea freight for critical, e.g. perishable or high-priced goods).

Digital transparency across the entire supply chain? Hellmann Smart Visibility offers the right solution for every customer, with the real-time service Smart Air! now even in a unique position in the logistics market.

*Smart Visibility Trackers are hardware devices that also provide data on humidity, temperature, the incidence of light, vibration, and door opening, thus enabling detailed monitoring of shipments.

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